Monday, February 9, 2009

Want to be a Granite Installer?

Well, you cannot learn how to install granite just by reading instructions from books or websites such as this site. The important thing is to see an actual installer of granites. Installing granite may look simple but it has many secrets in order to show the true beauty of these stones. But it is very often you'll be seeing granite installer just showing their secrets to you. My tip for you an apprentice of a granite user. First, you can be a helper. That is the hardest part because many people are too cautious when it comes in sharing their knowledge to other people especially if they are avoiding having too many competitors in their field of specialization. I know lots of granite users who are very suspicious to people applying to be just a helper.

What you should know when you become a helper of a Granite Installer?
  • Know their techniques on how to make these stones as shiny and as beautiful as the top coating. The step by step procedure.
  • Know the different Materials being used.
  • Know the suppliers of granite in your area and how to deal with them. It will be very useful to know where to get quality granite stones if you want to be competitive in the future.

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