Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Granite vs Marbles

Marbles once dominated the market in the construction industry during the early 70's throughout the late 90's here in the Philippines. But they are now being slowly forgotten. Local marbles have few variety of choices such as the Beige (Bulacan Marbles), Tiger Alagaw and Romblon Marbles. Today, these stones are being used for walls and siding decorations.

Advantages of Granites

  • Shininess - the level of shininess is way far compared to the local marbles especially dark color granites.
  • Toughness - installers need to be careful when installing marbles because these stones are very fragile. One mistake and you could waste a marble. Granite are as tough as a real rock. It can withstand the impact even if it falls to the ground only when it is standing vertically. It can also withstand the different climate changes. Granites are usually installed in the outer walls of building yet it remain very shiny in a long period of time.
  • Size availability - Granite has lots of available sizes starting with 60cm x 400cm up to 2m x 4 meters.
  • Maintenance free - Unlike local marbles, granites shiness does'nt fade. Many people uses neutral color wax just to keep the beauty of their marbles. Granites shiness lasts for a very long time.
  • Value - if your house have a kitchen and flooring made up of granite, your house surely has a bigger value.
  • Easy to install - compared to local marbles, granites are much easier to install because they are being made not in your homes but in the workshop. By the time installers deliver them, they'll just install them without the uncomfortable experience of buffing it inside your homes.

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