Thursday, February 12, 2009

Marble Problems

By now, lots of households are starting to experience the problems brought by natural marble stones that was installed decades ago. Probably in the late 70's. Back then we were still Marble installers. So Marble installation is also our specially during that time. In just a few years after our work, we usually see our client especially our clients in our home town. They usually tell us about the problems of their marble flooring and kitchen. What is the problem? Marbles rapidly loose their quality when it come to its versatility. It is not as durable as the granite making it very sensitive especially for sharp pointed objects. It very easy to have a scratch on it. On top of that, it fades in a short period of time. the softer the marble, the faster it looses its shininess. Surely you will agree with me if you have a Marble called Romblon in your house. This is very common in the Philippines due to its nice design and color. This stone is very soft. That is the main reason why is fades very fast loosing its shininess.

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