Thursday, February 12, 2009

Are "Cracks" in your Granite natural?

Well, many kinds of granite has designs that may look like cracks. But you can tell the difference between a design and an actual crack. Take extra precaution cause your installer might just be fooling you. Sometimes if a granite installer is just starting in these kinds of work, they usually tend to commit simple mistakes. You know why? Because these mistakes are very easy to avoid. For example, if you are the installer, before you buy the granite materials, you must first inspect it. Inspect for What? Well, since I design this site for the benefit of both Granite installers and to their clients, I'll give you some tips on how to choose granite wisely before buying it.

  • First, look for any DAMAGE in the granite. Look for any damage as if you are criticizing the granite. It may be a crack, scratch, color difference should you'll be buying more than one granite.
  • Second, look for a thicker one. Usually thicker granites are much tougher compare to the thinne one like the granites made in China.
  • Third, before you buy granites stored in warehouses, inspect thoroughly using wet rags. There might be some damages in those granites hidden behind the dust.
Again, I want to clear things to you. Some crack are natural but some may also be because of inexperience of the installers. Hope I could be of some help to you.

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