Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Pebbles are small stones with different colors. These stones once became very popular in the construction industry. These Stones are being installed in flooring, walls and even on top of the terrace. Nowadays, these stones are still being used but not as common as when it was first inroduced in the Market. You can still buy these in selected construction material dealers but not on hardwares.

How to Install Pebbles?

Pebbles are very easy to install. You just mix it together with water and pure cement then apply it to the area you want to install it. Then wait for a few minutes before you use the device used to remove the cement.

Disadvantage of Pebbles

Usually pebbles are being installed in the floorings of the garage. But once it made contact with the oil of your vehicles, it is very hard to remove it. Not to mention that its also very slippery when its when. Its beauty also vary to the design used by the installer. There must be atleast 4 or more colors in the pebbles in order to produce the true beauty of these stones.

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